
Poster Presentation & Flash Talk

For Poster Presenters

Please be sure to display your poster between 11:00 and 13:00 of the poster session.
(The poster room will be open during the symposium. We ask for your cooperation in displaying your poster for as long as possible.)

Please present your poster in front of your poster (Even Number : 11:40-12:20, Odd Number : 12:20-13:00)

Please remove your poster before the Mixing Party and take it home (If there are any posters left at the end of the meeting, the secretariat will remove them and keep them. If you do not contact us for a long time, they will be discarded.) 

PosterBook final3


For Flash Talk participants

Please line up next to the stage at the end of the session in order of number (see file below). The PCs prepared by the secretariat will project the information one after another, so please take one minute to explain.

Flash Talk