
Announcement of a Special Symposium on the Human Glycome Project

Human Glycome Project Special Symposium
~From Glycome Big Data to Innovations in Life Science and Medicine~


Special Symposium will be held to promote the Human Glycomb Project.


  December, 6th, 2021 

  at Nagoya University (Toyoda Auditorium) and on line (zoom)



1. Greetings from the Organizer and Guests of Honor (13:00-13:15)

・Opening remarks: Kiyokazu Matsuo (President, Tokai National University Organization)
・Greeting by Guest of Honor: Takakuni Ikeda (Director-General, Research Promotion Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
・Co-organizers' Remarks Akio Komori (President, National Institutes of Natural Sciences),
Yoshihisa Baba (President, Soka University)


2. Lecture (13:15-15:55)

Special Lecture (1)
 "Contribution of Mass Spectrometry to Glycomics"
Koichi Tanaka (Executive Research Fellow, Shimadzu Corporation, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2002)

Special Lecture (2)
 "Dynamics of Endoplasmic Reticulum Function and Regulation; Focusing on Degradation Mechanism of Structurally Abnormal Glycoproteins"
Kazutoshi Mori, (Professor, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University (Lasker Laureate 2014))

= Break (10 minutes) =

Lecture 1)
"Background, Vision, and future Plan of the Human Glycome Project"
Kenji Kadomatsu (Director, Institute for Glycobiology Core Research, Tokai National Higher Education and Research System)

Lecture 2)
 "Large-scale analysis of human glycans and construction of TOHSA, the big data of glycans, and goals of the Institute for Glycobiology Core Research"
Hiromune Ando (Deputy Director, institute of Glycobiology Core Research, Tokai National Higher Education and Research System)

Lecture 3)
 "Compilation of Glycan Biosynthesis Atlas: Research Activities on Glycans at the Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology
Koichi Kato (Director,  Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems (ExCELLS), National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Japan)

Lecture 4)
"Fusion of Glycobiology and Informatics: From the Institute for Glycobiology and Systems Integration to the Human Glycomome 
Sachiko Nishihara (Director, Glycan & Life Systems Integration Center (GaLSIC), Soka University)
Seiko Flora Kinoshita (Deputy Director, Glycan & Life Systems Integration Center (GaLSIC), Soka University)


3. Closing Remarks 
Hisataka Moriwaki (Vice President, Tokai National Higher Education and Research System)




【Notice and Request】

=To all on-site participants=
・Please check your physical condition before coming to the event.

・Please refrain from coming to the event if you have any of the following

#Have a fever of 37.5°C or higher, sore throat, cough, strong lethargy (malaise), difficulty breathing, or other cold symptoms, taste or smell disorders, or have concerns about your physical condition.
#Have visited a country or region with a government-imposed entry restriction or post-entry observation period within the past two weeks, or have had close contact with a person living in such a country or region.
#Have a history of new-type coronavirus infection or have close contacts with such a person.
#Please fill out the "Health Check Sheet" that will be sent to you in advance and bring it to the reception desk on the day of the seminar.

・Please come to the Nagoya University Toyoda Auditorium by public transportation.

=For online participants=
We will send you the ZOOM address for participation on December 2. (If you do not receive the address by the end of December 3, please contact us at the e-mail address below.)



iGCORE Leaflet

Click here to download a leaflet of iGCORE (PDF file).